Here I am.

You want to learn something about me tonight?

(or day, if you’re not at my every beck and call, yet.)          () 😉    

I may play cute and flirt, but when it comes to my business;

no one works harder than I do. 

I want you to understand two things.

God saved me, and because of that I now know what I want to do with my life. 

My life has purpose. 

I’m straightening my stuff up to become a man I’ll be able to respect when I look back at my life at retirement.

After retirement I figure I’ll be too old to make dumb life decisions, so I should be pretty stuck in my ways by then.

But only He knows what life holds.

When I get to the end of mine, I’ll know I will have raised great kids, spent an incredible life with my wife and been a great person, all because of God.

The second thing:

I know you don’t see vertical movement, yet, I see what’s changing and how my life has improved. Just wait you guys, I’ll prove that I’m gonna do big things. 

I’ll prove that I’m going to be a fantastic dad.

I’ll prove that I’m who I said I am. 

I heard a great slogan the other day.

“These things take time.”

I’m on His plan for me now. 

I’m on His watch.

I’m doing my part to make sure I get to where my passion is leading me. 

I’m starting to learn what my interests are so I can further myself on them. 

Things are looking up at work and I may be getting a step up in responsibility to prove it.

They’ve already told me they’re going to bring it up in the next meeting to make me a closer for them.

I’ve heard mandatory time working for them is 6 months before that can even be discussed, I’ve been there not even 2.

Passion is a funny thing.

If you’re passionate about what you’re doing in life, all of the things you have to do aren’t nearly as annoying or as life sucking. 

I’m blessed.

I see it more than you could ever imagine.

You want to see something?

I’ll show you where I started Jan. 1 2012;

It’s embarrassing but you need to see that if I can change my life, you can too.

266 pounds, obviously I wasn't happy.

This is where I am today. 

220. You can do the same. You just NEED to start! I'm not even there yet, I'll show you how far I get.

You can do it too.

I want to show people that anyone can do it, especially if I could turn around the life I was leading for greater things.

A lot has happened in my past.

I’ve done incredibly stupid stuff, stuff that embarrasses me and stuff I flat-out hate myself for still, but I’ve made peace with the fact that it happened and because of it I’m now going to turn into the greatest person I can be. 

It happens every day.

Especially when no one is watching. 

You also realize that just because I live my life a certain way doesn’t mean I don’t cut loose….don’t you?

I’m 23. 

I turn 24 in a little over a week. 

I have worries, but He handles them so I can enjoy living my life while I’m trying to get out of debt.

(which by the way, if I do my stuff everyday, I should be out on June 30.)

I’m thinking about forming a band too, but that may be one thing I have to work at for a while before I’ll be ready for that. 

I’ve got a Freddie Mercury, Michael Bublé and Adam Lambert vibe. 

So for today….,

yes, I started writing this last night or I guess it would be early, EARLY this morning.

Cheers to us.

Love and Respect always.

Stay Classy,


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